Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Yay! Christmas!

Well, first off, today was Christmas! I got LOADS of presents! They were great. But here's some 'sad' news: I wont be posting probably for seven days.(Dec.31st-Jan.7th) I'll be in Orlando, Florida at Disney with my Aunt A.J and Uncle Jim. We'll swim with dolphins! But, anyway, sorry. I'll try to post as many things as I can!

Herp Derp.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Church of the Commune of Orgelet

This picture surprisingly did not take very long, actually! I was in the mood for drawing a picture of a cool church, so I googled "Churches In New France" and this came up! (I live in the U.S, Not France/New France/U.K/Russia or anywhere else!) You can learn more on this link:


Herp Derp.

Realistic Kid

Well, FINALLY! It's Realistic Monday, and I kept my promise! I drew a kid. I think his name should be... wait, let me ask my dad.

He said Bartholomew. I think it fits him! I really do! Also, check out my youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Artyguycraft?feature=mhee

Herp Derp

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sorcery Games

This, I'm sure, Is what happens to adults out there who play games like Skyrim all day and live in their Parent's basement and have that cheesy-spray stuff and say, " I'M SO ALONE..."

Herp Derp.

Just A Kid Sketch Thing

These are kids, like the ones I'm around. They all look like the ones above, or have a resemblance. Now, let's throw in a c3po pic in here!
Herp Derp.

Special Day Announcement!

Alright, It's normally not normal because I normally make normal things.... WHAT?
Well, you may be wondering, "why don't you have a picture???? Whatever, since that happened, I'll just **** on my computer since it's worthless because I can't see a picture! Derp" That, you Derphead, is because I am making an announcement! TADA! So, I'm just sayin, I'm going to my Grandma's house, and there, I probably wont post much. Sorry. But now, I will do a special day on Friday & Monday! Yay! Monday is realistic day, where I post realistic things like eyeballs. Friday is screenshot day, where I post a screenshot from Minecraft or some other game! Well, that concludes our post! Bye!
Herp Derp.

Santa Stuff

I Just wanted to do this
Herp Derp